Block IV & V – Quebec Labrador Trough
BLOCK 4. | #166 PONS LAKE: total of claims 24, situated 110 km west of Block 1 and 20 km south of Block 5. |
Extract from report by Uranerz, Rodney Orr, 1979: “Located in Sakami formation of Lac Gayot outlier Sakami formation consists of sedimentary rocks of Precambrian age. Four uranium-bearing wacke-type boulders were found, ice direction was from south to north and it is quite certain that these boulders have their source within this outlier. Two uranium bearing fractures were found within the basement granites. Both are situated close to the contact with the sediments. | |
Chemical analyses from boulders and outcrop: | |
BLOCK 5. | #164, #165 FENSTER LAKE. Number of claims 36, situated 100kms west of Block 1 and 20 kms north of Block 4. Extract from report by Uranerz, Rodney Orr, 1979: “Located in Lac Gerzine outlier in similar Sakami type formation of Lac Gayot outlier. Six radio active boulders were found. The glacial trend indicates the source of the boulders to be the western edge of the outlier. |
Main project page, BLOCK I & BLOCK II, BLOCK III, BLOCK IV & BLOCK V |