Block III – Quebec Labrador Trough
Block III originally encompassed 36 claims, covering approximately 1,700 hectares. In 2006, the land position was increased substantially by the addition of a further 254 claims. Now, the total Block III land package consists of 290 claims, covering some 13,775 hectares. A detailed airborne geophysical survey of the property was completed last fall as well as an initial geochemical sampling program. Highlights of the geophysical survey and interpretation are as follows: • Nine (9) large zones of Uranium enrichment; • One hundred and forty nine (149) discrete Uranium anomalies; Definition of eU (Source: IAEA Report IAEA-TECDOC-1363, July 2003): Uranium concentration estimates are based on the measurement of 214Bi and 214Pb isotope abundances. These occur far down in the radioactive decay chain and may not be in equilibrium with uranium. Estimates of uranium concentration are indirect and therefore reported as “equivalent uranium” (eU) as these estimates are based on the assumption of equilibrium conditions. The units are in parts per million (ppm). |
BLOCK 3. | #234 CARIBOU: total of 24 claims, located 130 kms N.E. of Block 1. Extract from report by Uranerz 1979: INDIAN LAKE AREA Radiometric zone 150m long and width 1 to 2 meters. |
Rock sampling sheets provide analyses on samples taken. (Page 6) up to 0.53% U308. A report by C. Robert states: “uranium occurs in a zone extending over l50m long varying up to 2.0m wide with uranium associated with vanadium adsorbed in the matrix of the rock with values up to 6.41%. The matrix represents up to 30% of the rock. The mineralization is so fine that the minerals of uranium and vanadium could not be identified.” Other Ministry reports indicate grab samples- | |
Main project page, BLOCK I & BLOCK II, BLOCK III, BLOCK IV & BLOCK V |