Block I & II – Quebec Labrador Trough
Blocks I/II consists of an area covering approximately 145 square kilometers. of the Quebec Labrodor Trough. The Company commissioned a high resolution airborne geophysical study of this property last fall. Results of the geophysical survey and interpretation, prepared by MPX Geophysics Inc., can be summarized as follows:
The Report describes the uranium zones as extending up to 4 km, with widths of 500m to 1km, with the smallest of the six (6) zones being approximately 800m by 400m in size. Several of the areas have potential for Iron Formation hosted gold and copper as well as uranium. The MPX Report states:
Specific deposit model types to be considered are:
The MPX Report also states: The Report concludes that: Management is very pleased with the results of the study and with the quality of the Report. It cautions readers that the areas referred to are surficial, as these radiometric readings generally penetrate 1.5 metres in depth. Further ground truthing is required to quantify and qualify the uranium potential. Management has also been advised that the geochemical samples taken last fall by Aurora Geosciences Inc. are currently being processed by an independent laboratory and that these results should also be available in a relatively short time. All of this data is being collated and interpreted by UraMin Inc., in preparation for discussion of a follow-up program. |
BLOCK 1. | #181 BRAVO, #185 Lac CRABE, #187, #188: total of 94 claims, situated east of Lac du Portage. |
#181 discovered by Eldorado Nuclear Co., in 1979. Report ET.88-06 by Ministry states: “one surface exposure remains open exposing a zone 2.5m. long, 2.0m. wide, with a central zone of enrichment 20 to 30cm. wide. The mineralization is sub-parallel to the schistosity and is confined to a calcareous rock, Bravo presents uraniferous mineralization disseminated throughout the interior of a calcareous strata. Channel samples taken (Tremblay 1979) reported 0.58% U308 over 25cm, and 0.14% U308 over 28cm. The uranium mineralization is concentrated in irregular masses up to 2 to 3cm. in diameter. One sample taken by Pierre Brouilolette, reported in 1989 for Ministry, analysed 2.16% Uranium with 4.5 g/t silver. One drill hole analysed 0.05% U over 25cm. Examination of a dozen trenches adjacent to Bravo outcrop followed a strike length of about 200 metres. Glacial trains cross the property and carry uranium and copper mineralization in hundreds of mineralized pieces of rock. Analyses of grabs ran up to 38% U, 1.2% Cu, 5% Pb and 0.02% Co. A memo by C. Robert M.E.R.Q. /88/03/10 reports a drill hole analysing 0.16% U over 1.0m. He reports that the discovery of radio active float of type Bravo at several kilometres to the S.E. of Bravo suggest an extension of the mineralization in that direction, as discontinuous as it may be (GM-37130-1980). | |
BLOCK 1. | #185 Lac Crabe, Ministry reports copper disseminated and in veins in train No.4. Mineralization 955m. long x 1.3m wide x 45m. Drilled intersections 3.71% Cu over 1.8m; 0.07% U over 1.2m |
#187 Strata-bound U in Sandstone | |
#188 Vein Uranium | |
BLOCK 2. | #175 Lac Cutus Sud, |
#176 Lac Cutus Nord, | |
#182 Otel Lake Total of 32 claims, North Boundary 3km. S.E. OF BLOCK I south boundary. | |
#175 Vein of chalcopyrite containing grabs of 51.4% Cu, 1.25g/t Au, 10.62g/t Ag and drill core of 0.96% Cu over 3.37m. | |
#176 Vein of chalcopyrite containing sample results: | |
#182 Extract from Report DV83-05 (1983): “Eldorado’s exploration of 1982 produced encouraging results. At least two cross-checks in the drilling of 1982 gave more than 0.1%U, over at least 1 metre. Despite the encouraging results, Eldorado decided to interrupt activities in the region for an indefinite period.” Sample Results: | |
Main project page, BLOCK I & BLOCK II, BLOCK III, BLOCK IV & BLOCK V |